Hypnotherapy is a listening and talking therapy that promotes self-efficacy and produces rapid results. Hypnosis is a tool that helps focus the mind, allowing new possibilities to be imagined. Sometimes, simply understanding a different perspective can lead to a breakthrough moment and be transformative.
Following an evidence-based approach to clinical hypnosis, FocusReset adopts a transparent method, where the client's participation and understanding of the process contributes to successful treatment.
As an evidence-based practice, with clearly defined and agreed therapeutic goals, this approach draws from a wide range of therapeutic techniques and interventions, which are tailored to treat you as an individual.
There is a wide body of scientific research, supporting the efficacy of a structured cognitive behavioural approach to hypnotherapy. Research evidence has shown that hypnosis enhances outcomes when used in conjunction with other therapies. For example hypnosis, when used with cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), “substantially enhanced treatment outcomes” (Kirsch 1995).
The process
WHAT is hypnosis? Hypnosis is an active process of focusing the mind, following suggestions, which you make as real as possible by practicing skills in imaginal absorption, which is focusing the mind in a goal directed way to achieve a positive result. Hypnosis is a cognitive skill, which strengthens the mind-body connection. At the simplest level the process of hypnosis is, "intentionally thinking about something in a focused way", often with the eyes closed.
HOW does it work? Hypnotherapy and clinical hypnosis is an active process, where you work collaboratively with the therapist. Each technique is explained beforehand, including the rationale and the intended benefit. You choose to engage and learn to become more aware of the power of your own thoughts. You develop skills in training your mind to work for you not against you. You practice cognitive skills that you can use to shape your mindset. With this learning and experience, you can apply these techniques, outside of the therapy room, benefitting from increased emotional and cognitive control. You learn to harness the strength of your mind to enhance what your body can achieve.
WHY choose hypnotherapy? Acknowledging a problem and choosing to take action are the first steps towards healing. There are many factors that contribute towards behaviours and experiences, some of which are obvious and others less so, such as previous experience, learnt behaviour, habits and routines, expectations, un-met emotional needs, beliefs and values. It is our perceptions, how we experience and interpret a situation, that often influence our emotions and actions. This is how different people can experience the same event differently. Hypnotherapy can help you understand more about your automated thoughts, emotional responses and behaviours. It can also help you intentionally reset your focus to strengthen the power of your mind so that it works for you not against you. Taking action to train your mind and understand more about yourself can be transformative. It can free you from unwanted emotions, thoughts and behaviors and result in positive physiological effects, for example reducing pain.
My approach
My training in clinical hypnosis, with my background in biology and anthropology, and a BSc in Natural Science, from Durham University, underscores my interest in a scientific approach to hypnotherapy and the importance of biology as well as society and culture in contributing to an individuals’ lived experience.
I favour a socio-cognitive behavioural approach to hypnotherapy, which is complemented by modern neuroscience, where neural plasticity is influenced by human behaviour, cognitions and emotions. A biological perspective acknowledges many factors that contribute to the human experience, which can influence emotions including physiology (movement/relaxation/exercise), microbiology
(nutrition/drugs/ cell function and ultrastructure), endocrinology and neurology (hormonal and neural communication) that contribute to an individual’s wellbeing as well as their learnt psychological coping strategies and beliefs.
I am passionate about using my skills to help people.